
Valentine’s Day Trends: Changes in Consumer Behavior

We bring you the main trends for this Valentine’s Day 2022 that show the shift in consumer behavior!

Ariel Ben

11.02.22 Business 4 min

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# GiftInspiration # OmnichannelStrategies # OnlineSearches # Valentine's Day Trends

Valentine’s Day is a highlighted date in February for the retail sector. In fact, the pandemic has caused a 4% increase in user interest in this celebration. We know it can be a crucial event for your business. Therefore, we present three main trends for this Valentine’s Day 2022:

1) New Search Trends: From “Where to Dine” to “What to Cook”

Users are not only searching for “what to buy.” The quarantine brought about new search behaviors. Long-distance relationships and isolation have led to an increase in searches related to “what to say” or “Valentine’s Day quotes.” Additionally, consumers are looking for ways to recreate the perfect date at home. That’s why many are searching for “what to cook” or “Valentine’s Day crafts.”

2) Valentine’s Day in the New Normal: Online and on YouTube

The trend of seeking online inspiration, which started in 2020, continued in 2021, with a 50% increase in February. The same is expected to happen in 2022. Typical Valentine’s Day gifts such as flowers, jewelry, books, or perfumes have experienced a significant increase in online demand compared to the pre-Covid-19 scenario.

Furthermore, YouTube is the chosen platform for those seeking gift or recipe inspiration. There was an 82% growth in hours dedicated to content related to this special date.

3) Shopping In-Stores: The Key to Omnichannel Strategies

The easing of restrictions in some parts of the world has led consumers to feel anxious about returning to physical stores. Location is not the only determining factor for increasing visits. Digital advertising options such as search engine marketing or social media advertising allow showing consumers personalized results based on their interests and searches.

Beyond Valentine’s Day, here are some takeaways to consider for any significant date of the year:

  • Advance your strategy: Join the consumer’s inspiration search phase at least one month before the key date. When far from the key date, start a branding campaign and gradually shift to consideration and performance campaigns as the day approaches.
  • Changed search behaviors: Pandemic restrictions and distance have changed consumer priorities, reflected in their searches.
  • Online reigns (and YouTube rules): While online shopping established itself in 2020, it continues to grow each year. YouTube plays a fundamental role in enhancing the shopping experience.
  • Importance of omnichannel strategies: Creating connections between different touchpoints with consumers is crucial for improved decision-making.

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